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Ancient Israelites traded clay pots and earthenware, beer and wine, elementary tools, olives and olive oil, and precious metals.

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11y ago
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10y ago

they traded smuggled goods that they aquired from other countries YOU SUCK

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12y ago

wne oil grnd crles dates mlk sheaps cows art(gld silver ....) & holy thngs for hebreus...

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13y ago

Goods spices gold oils

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Q: What did ancient israel trade?
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How did ancient israel trade there goods?

The ancient Israelites developed a thriving trade with Egypt, Cyprus and Greece, aided significantly by ports on the Mediterranean Sea. Many of Israel's native goods were traded, including fish, olives, pottery, and metals and minerals from the Taurus Mountains. Ancient Israel was a strongly agricultural society and relied on its farmers and labourers to bring in food for the people. Ancient Israel's main agricultural products were grains (usually barley or wheat), grapes, dates, olives, and lentils. ... Israel also had some trade with the southern kingdom of Judah. Field labour and craft production were of central importance in the lives of ancient Canaanites and Israelites. The economy of both the Bronze and Iron Age populations was dependent on the harvest and the production of valuable trade goods such as metals worked into jewelry or weapons, and ceramics.

Are ancient Hebrew and ancient Israel the same thing?

No. Ancient Hebrew is a language, and Ancient Israel is nation.

What are the Ancient Israel trade routes?

Via Maris (the Way of the Sea) The King's Highway The Ridge Route or Mountain Road

Why does US not trade with Israel?

Yes, the US sells a lot of weapons to Israel. The US government also gives a lot of money to Israel.

Who was in charge of weights and measures in ancient Israel?

The Jewish courts.See also:Life in ancient Israel

Why was the location of israel strategic in ancient times?

Palestine, historic region on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, was a strategic location for its fishing and trade.

What does Israel trade?

Most of Israel trade is in the form of agricultural. Israel exports pistachios, eggplant, fresh herbs, and flowers to the US.

What were donkeys used for in ancient Israel?

In ancient Israel donkeys were used for riding on if it was to far to walk.

Was ancient israel a monarchy oligarchy or direct democracy?

Ancient Israel was a number of different absolute monarchies.

What do the boundaries of the ancient Israel tell about its size compared with that of ancient Egypt?

Ancient Israel was significantly smaller than ancient Egypt, but Ancient Israel was actually wider than Ancient Egypt was since the deserts on either side of the Nile River could not be easily cultivated.

Where was the Hebrew cilivization located?

The Hebrew Civilization was located in Israel.The Hebrew Civilization was located in Israel.

Did ancient Egypt ever attack Israel?

Yes. Ancient Egypt invaded Ancient Israel on several occassions and Israel and Judah were often Egyptian vassal states or directly under Egyptian sovereignty.