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Q: What did President Roosevelt wanted to give farmers and working people?
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Who was the president that relocated all the Japanese people in the US?

President Theodore Roosevelt.

Why did president Roosevelt issue the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctorine?

He wanted to help the people in Cuba.

Who were important people in the dust bowl?

President Roosevelt and Prairie farmers played an important role in who took part in the dust bowl. Some others you might want to include are support industries who helped the farmers financially.

Why did people describe Theodore roosevelt as an activist president?


Why did President Roosevelt resort to propaganda?

wanted people to trust him dat N roosevelt

Who did president roosevelt counted on to help him guide the nation to recovery?

President Roosevelt counted on the brain trust to help him guide the nation to recovery. President Roosevelt signed in the National Industrial Recovery Act to help people after the depression.

Why is Eleanor Roosevelt famous?

Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady of the United States from 1933-1945, while her husband Franklin D Roosevelt was President. Eleanor Roosevelt ran for State Senate and wrote an autobiography. She also drafted the Declaration of Human Rights.

What did people think about Franklin D. Roosevelt?

a very good president

Which president dedicated the Smoky Mountains National Park?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the Smoky Mountains National Park. The dedication was in 1940. Roosevelt declared the park for "the enjoyment of the people."

Who was the younges president?

Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest u.s. president. He was 42 when he took office after William McKinley was assasinated.Teddy Roosevelt, 42.The youngest was Theodore Roosevelt and he was 42 when he took office. A lot of people say the youngest was John F. Kennedy, but those people are wrong. JFK was 43 when he took office. The youngest was Theodore Roosevelt and he was 42 when he took office. A lot of people say the youngest was John F. Kennedy, but those people are wrong. JFK was 43 when he took office.

What ways was Eleanor Roosevelt life remarkable?

she was a president helped allot of people.

Did people like Franklin Roosevelt while he was president?

probaly not because he did get shot