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Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, founded the University of Virginia, was the author of the "Notes on the States of Virginia", the "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth", and the "Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom", was a member of the Continental Congress, a member of the Virginia Legislature, and wrote the "Necessity of Taking Up Arms," in 1775.

He helped Patrick Henry persuade James Madison to make the Bill of Rights. He graduated from the College of William and Mary with a degree in law, and was the first secretary of state under George Washington's first term. He was John Adams' vice-president, and was President from 1801-1809.

In his first term of presidency Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from France, doubling the size of the US. Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on a quest to find the Pacific Ocean in 1804-1805. Jefferson also invented the moldboard plow, which was a great improvement on the already standard farming plow; the wheel cipher, and developed his own design on the concept of the spherical sundial.

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Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, outlining the rights of all people everywhere to be free, and the Constitution of Virginia. He formed the Democratic Party; he served as the Minister (ambassador) to France; he served as the third President of the United States, during which term, he secured the Louisiana Purchase and sent Lewis and Clark to explore it. He was also a slave-owning hypocrite who had a long-term affair with one of his slaves.

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