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This week the FDA announced the approval of a new drug combination for weight loss - containing naltrexone and bupropion. (12/6/2010)

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Q: What did US Food and Drug Administration annouce?
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The FDA -- Food and Drug Administration

What is the national food safety agency?

(in the US) It is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). See:

When was birth control first approved?

approve by the us food and drug administration in 1960

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues guidelines about putting nutrients or health claims on a food label.

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Cleaning out wounds

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grams of trans fatty acid

What United States government was formed to protect us from food and medication?

The FDA has this mission (Food and Drug Administration) in USA.

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The Food and Drug Administration must approve a new drug before it can be sold to the public.

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What US agency is responsible for processed food?

In "wholesale" applications, where the processor does not sell prepared food directly to public, the way a restaurant does, responsibility for food safety and sanitation could be the US. Department of Agriculture or the US Food and Drug Administration, depending on the particular food involved. At the retail level responsibility could be with the US Food and Drug Administration or with each State's Department of Health or Department of Agriculture, depending on how each state chooses to organize itself.