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Q: What did Zeus ever say to the other gods?
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Why was Jupiter named after Zeus the Greek god?

They were the same gods. Jupiter is simply the Roman name for Zeus. We say that Jupiter was named after Zeus only because the Greek gods seemed to be historically older, although many other cultures worshiped gods comparable to Zeus even before the Greeks and Romans. Zues was the Greek God of thunder and father of all the other Greek gods, therefore the most powerful. I could be wrong, but I think it's because of Jupiter's enormous size which seems to exert dominance over the other planets.

Is the lord Zeus or God?

I think that Lord can be both, God, and Zeus because people that believe in the Greece religion, would say that Greek Gods are real and that Zeus is the Lord . But many other religions believe that God would be the Lord.

How do you convince Aphrodite on Poptropica?

you answer her questions on gods first like she will say who is the king of the gods you would answer Zeus :p have fun

Where did the Greek people find Zeus?

they think mount Olympias were they "say" all gods lived

What type of people lived in ancient Egypt?

Ancient Greece had many gods and goddesses, The king god(you could say) was Zeus! the other gods are Hercules, Apollos many others! watch out behind you you might be turned to stone

How long was Zeus god for?

When considering the nature of gods and the fact that their origin is invariably fictional, those that believe (and for that matter, have believed) in the god Zeus, would say always. In mythology, the Greek gods were immortal- they could not die.

What Greek god is the god of gods?

There isn't really one, but Zeus is the king of the gods, the chief of the gods. So I guess you could could say he is the god of the gods, even though he really isn't.

What did the Greeks think their gods and goddesses were?

The Greeks belive that the Gods and Goddesses are all the events that happen on Earth. For example Ares is the God of War. Aphrodite is the goddess of love. Zeus the God of the sky. So if there was lightning they would say Zeus was made.

Did Socrates worship Zeus?

One of the accusations leveled against Socrates in his trial is that he was an atheist because he did not accept the gods of the state. Socrates directly addresses this charge in his apology, since it was the most serious and the one that can lead to a death sentence. Socrates argues that he in fact does accept the existence of the Gods, Zeus included. However he rejected the stories that the State propagated about the Gods. So arguably he worshipped Zeus or else he the state would have sentenced him to death. On the other hand, you can say that he worshipped Zeus to his own personal limits.

Who was the most important ancient Greek god or goddess?

Here are the Greek gods in alphabetical order:AphroditeApolloAresArtemisAthenaDemeterDionysusHadesHephaestusHeraHermesPoseidonZeuz

Did Zeus ever forgive his father?

some say he did but his own son kiled him so it hard to say

Who was the king of gods?

Zeus While Zeus was the top god in Greek mythology, there is only one true god (IMO) and that is, Yahweh or as the christians say, God (with a capital letter).