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They were both European renaissances

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Q: What did both northern European and the Italian renaissance have in common?
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What did northern European renaissance and Italian renaissance have in common?

They were both helped by the printing press.

What did the northern European and Italian renaissance in common?

They were both helped by the printing press.

What did the Northern European and Italian Renaissance having common?

They were both helped by the printing press.

What did the northern European and Italian renaissence have in common?

They were both helped by the printing press.

What characteristics do Machiavelli Leonardo Michelangelo and Raphael have in common?

They are part of the Italian Renaissance.

What is a common language of northern Africa?

Arabic is the predominate language in Northern Africa. Other languages present are French, Italian, and English.

Who coined the term renaissance?

Nobody coined the term "Renaissance." Renaissance is an actual part of the French language. It literally means "rebirth." BTW I don't speak French, but this is common knowledge for anyone studying European History.

What did many Northern Renaissance painters do?

Many Northern Renaissance painters, who were active in the Northern European regions during the 15th and 16th centuries, contributed to a significant artistic movement characterized by a focus on detailed realism, intricate symbolism, and a blend of religious and secular themes. These painters created works that were often distinct from those of their Italian Renaissance counterparts. Here are some key aspects of what many Northern Renaissance painters did: **Realism and Attention to Detail:** Northern Renaissance painters were known for their meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to realistic representation. They employed techniques like finely detailed brushwork and elaborate textures to create lifelike images. **Symbolism and Allegory:** Many Northern Renaissance paintings incorporated rich symbolism and allegorical elements. Objects and scenes often carried hidden meanings related to religious, moral, or social themes. **Oil Painting Technique:** Northern Renaissance painters were pioneers in the use of oil painting techniques. Oil paints allowed for greater color vibrancy, depth, and flexibility compared to tempera, which was more common in the South. **Religious Themes:** Religious subjects remained prominent in Northern Renaissance art, reflecting the strong influence of the Catholic Church in Northern Europe. Paintings often depicted scenes from the Bible, saints, and religious narratives. **Portraiture:** Northern Renaissance painters excelled in portraiture, capturing the likeness and personality of individuals with remarkable accuracy. Portraits often provided insights into the subjects' character and social status. **Landscape and Nature:** Northern Renaissance painters often included detailed landscapes and natural settings in their works. These landscapes were rendered with a high level of precision and served as backgrounds for religious or secular scenes. **Domestic Scenes:** Many Northern Renaissance paintings featured everyday domestic scenes, providing glimpses into the lives of ordinary people. These scenes often carried moral or social messages. **Social Commentary:** Some Northern Renaissance painters used their art as a form of social commentary, addressing issues such as wealth inequality, political corruption, and religious hypocrisy. **Printmaking:** The development of printmaking, particularly woodcuts and engravings, was a significant contribution of Northern Renaissance artists. These techniques allowed for the reproduction and distribution of art to a broader audience. **Regional Variations:** Northern Renaissance art displayed regional variations, reflecting cultural differences and influences from countries like the Netherlands, Germany, and France. Famous Northern Renaissance painters include Jan van Eyck, Hieronymus Bosch, Albrecht Dürer, Hans Holbein the Younger, and Pieter Bruegel the Elder, among others. Their works continue to be celebrated for their intricate detail, rich symbolism, and contributions to the broader artistic movement of the Northern Renaissance.

What are the Renaissances?

The Italian Renaissance and the Harlem Renaissance. "The Italian Renaissance and Harlem Renaissance occurred in completely different regions of the world, involved completely different people, occurred in completely different time periods, but are not that different from each other. They share similar causes, developed similarly, share common characteristics, leaders, and both had an insightful effect on future civilizations. Although the Italian Renaissance and Harlem Renaissance are separated by a 500 year timerange and involve completely different people and cultures, there are many similarities that bond the two movements together."

What do Leonardo and donatello have in common?

They were both highly influential Italian Renaissance painters. Otherwise they were very different in style and objectives.

What are the demographics of anemia are?

Pernicious anemia is most common in patients of northern European descent and African Americans and less frequent in people of southern European descent and Asians. There is no sex predilection.

What does the renaissance and middle ages have in common?

They are not the same thing. The Middle Ages ended with the beginning of the Renaissance. There was a slight overlapping of the periods, but they were two distinct periods in European history.