

What did the US do after japan attacked pearl harbor?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Declared war

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Q: What did the US do after japan attacked pearl harbor?
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The Japanese attacked the US in pearl harbor,Hawii.

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Because they have attacked Pearl Harbor.

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Japan and Germany declared war on the US.

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because we were trying to help Asia and then Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

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Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

What happened on the day of Pearl Harbor was attacked?

The US went to war with Japan.

Who attacked America to cause us to join World War 2?

Japan they attacked pearl harbor

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they were already there, Japan attacked a U.S. navy base, Pearl Harbor

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Pearl is in the US and it was Japan, an ally of Germany that attacked it.

Why did the US enter the World War 2?

Japan attacked the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor.