

What did the ancient Greeks believe the gods ate?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Nektar and Ambrosia. And other stuff as well. At least mythologically speaking. The Gods in reality need no sustenance.

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Q: What did the ancient Greeks believe the gods ate?
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What did the Greeks think that their gods ate?

They ate nectar and ambrosia.

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What did the Greeks believe the gods ate?

Answer: Honey and Ambrosia. Hope this helps

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how the hell should i know

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The ancient Greeks ate everything with their hands, if not, they used wooden spool looking items.

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The Greeks gods ate pie with well not whip cream cause that did not exist... with oil. Eew gross, sick!

What did Greeks eat?

The ancient Greeks ate everything with their hands, if not, they used wooden spool looking items.