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The framers of the Constitution intended to establish a balance of power and prevent the majority from directly electing the president. They aimed to give greater influence to smaller states and ensure that the president would have broad support across the country. Additionally, indirect election was seen as a protection against direct democracy and potential manipulation by the masses.

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to make the president responsible to state and national legislatures

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Q: What did the framers mean to accomplish by the indirect election of the president?
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What were the three methods of presidential election discussed by the framers of the Constitution?

The three methods of presidential election discussed by the framers of the Constitution include using electoral college, simply selecting the president, and electing directly. As of 2014, the president is elected using the electoral college.

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The framers wanted a presidency that could withstand intense popular pressure. It set out to accomplish this by having the president elected via the electoral college.

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The Constitution expressly requires that the President must be a natural born citizen of the United States, 35 years of age.

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The constitution calls for the President to elected by electors from the states. It allows the state legislatures to decide how to choose its electors. Probably most of the framers expected the legislatures to elect the electors rather than holding a popular election to choose them.

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What were three method of presidential election discussed by the framers?

The three methods of the presidential election discussed by the framers of the Constitution were; Congressional selection, direct vote of the people and electoral college. In the end electoral college won out.

Who were the framers that were also president?

Madison Washington

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Congress chooses the President.

Which method of selecting president did many of the framers initially favor?

Congress chooses the President.

Were the Framers concerned that a directly elected president would become too powerful?

I think they were more afraid that the common people would make poor choices. Indirectly, I suppose, they feared that they might choose someone who would overthrow the Constitution and make himself dictator. The indirect method of election was also designed to protect the rights of the smaller states and give voice to regional interests and issues.