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Cyclones spin counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere.

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11y ago

In the northern hemisphere all cyclones and nearly all tornadoes rotate counterclockwise.

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Q: Which way do cyclones and tornadoes blow in the northern hemisphere?
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Does the wind blow the same direction in cyclones and hurricanes?

It depends. A hurricane is a kind of cyclone. Tropical cyclones are only called hurricanes in parts of the northern hemisphere. have winds that spin counterclockwise. However, in the southern hemisphere cyclone winds spin clockwise.

Does wind blow clockwise in the nirthern hemesphere?

Very rarely. Most tornadoes in the northern hemisphere, over 99%, spin counterclockwise. A very small percentage of tornadoes in the northern hemisphere, called anticyclonic tornadoes, spin clockwise. Most tornadoes in the southern hemisphere spin clockwise.

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If they're called Westerlies, they blow from the west. These winds blow in the mid-latitudes in both hemispheres. They blow in the same direction because air tends to flow towards the poles at those latitudes, getting deflected by the coriolis force at the same time.

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They will blow in opposite directions.

In the Northern Hemisphere winds associated with a high-pressure system blow .?

In the northern hemisphere, winds associated with a high-pressure system blow clockwise towards the center.

How will the wind blowing out of a high pressure system in the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere blow?

They will blow in opposite directions.

How will winds blowing out of a high pressure system in the northern hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere blow?

They will blow in opposite directions.

In the northern hemisphere how do winds blow out of an area of high pressure?

They Blow Clockwise

In the northern hemisphere how do the winds blow out of an area of high pressure?

They Blow Clockwise

What direction do wind in the northern hemisphere blow?

yes they are =^_^=

In what direction does a trade wind blow?

Trade Winds blow fast and in Pretty much any direction. That's why sailors try to sail there often.

Do trade winds go north to south?

No. In the Northern Hemisphere, the trade winds blow Northeast and in the Southern Hemisphere they blow Southeast