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Night blindness, xerophthalmia or dry eyes, blindness, dry eyes, and other inflammatory diseases and conditions.

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Q: What diseases are caused by lack of vitamin A?
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Other diseases caused by lack of Vitamin C?


Is scurvy an infectious diseases or non infectious diseases?

It is known as a NON-INFECTIOUS disease. as it is caused by the lack of Vitamin C in the body.

Search for causes of scurve diseases?

If you mean "scurvy", it is caused by lack of vitamin C in the diet.

Names of deficiency diseases?

There are quite a few deficiency diseases. Scurvy is caused by a vitamin C deficiency, Rickets is caused by a vitamin D deficiency, and Paresthesia is the from the lack of vitamin B5.

What deficiency diseases are caused due to lack of vitamin e?

The deficiency of vitamin E is very rare. But still it may cause haemolytic anaemia.

What are deficiency diseases Name three deficiency diseases and also write their causes and symptoms?

A deficiency disease is one caused by a lack of something we need. Some examples are:scurvy, caused by insufficient vitamin C. Symptoms include bleeding gums and failure to heal.rickets, caused by lack of calcium or vitamin D. Symptoms are weak, soft bones and stunted growth.Pellagra, caused by lack of vitamin B3, niacin. Symptoms include inflamed skin, diarrhea, dementia, and sores in the mouth.

Why are deficiency disease caused?

A deficiency is a lack or shortage, therefore deficiency diseases are caused by a lack or shortage of necessary nutrients in the body. One example is scurvy, a disease associated with pirates that occurs when an individual suffers from a vitamin C deficiency.

What is lack of vitamin B1 called?

Beriberi is caused by lack of vitamin B1 in the diet

What diseases are caused from a lack of fat in your diet?

Well a diet to low in fat can cause malnutrition from fat-soluble essential nutrients. This causes deficiency diseases. For example, rickets can be caused by lack of vitamin D, a fat soluble nutrient. Vitamin K deficiency is often result of fat malabsorption and that can result in hemorrhagic disease.

What are deficiency diseases it's answer?

'Deficiency diseases like goiter (hypthyroid), scurvy (lack of citrus intake), and beriberi (lack of vitamin B1) are all caused by some nutrient that is absent or very low in a person's diet.

What diseases are linked to lack of vitamin C?


What are the diseases from a lack of vitamin b2?

Migraine headaches.