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This is known as anaemia and is classified based on the Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV-Size of the RBC).


Iron deficiency


Blood loss


B12/Folate deficiency

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14y ago

Anemia. You may fell drained and without energy.

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9y ago

Decrease hemoglobin might result from thalassemia, iron deficiency anemia, or anemia of chronic disease. There are many infectious, genetic, and nutritional causes of low hemoglobin.

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Women tend to have lower hemoglobin levels. In the absence of bleeding, iron deficiency anemia is the most common cause, especially in women with heavy menstrual flow. Other causes are: certain vitamin deficiencies (folic acid, B12), occult gastrointestinal bleeding, destruction of red blood cells caused by certain dieseases like autoimmune diseases, bone marrow failure due to malignancies, renal disease and hereditary diseases like sickle cell disease or Thallasemias...


Yes, normal ranges from about 13 - 17 depending on the lab. Women can run a bit lower just after their menstrual cycle.

Does hepatitis c cause lowered hemoglobin levels?

The Answer is no But if on treatment as I am at the moment then yes the treatment can lower hemoglobin levels and I would like to add that this and all other symptoms are closely monitored by the medical team

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What does a low HDW mean in blood tests?

HDW, or hemoglobin distribution width, measure hemoglobin heterogeneity. Anemia's and vitamin deficiencies can result in lower than normal levels. If levels are low, further testing is done to determine the exact cause.