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u can feed himm food gud in protein and vitamin fibres also u hav 2 feed him juicy bone every week

the following should be fine: cooked meat, carrots, apples, peanut butter, rice, cheese (although I have heard of dogs being allergic to cheese, not sure if that's true so I'd ask a vet first)

Those are the favourite human-foods of most dogs. There are others they can eat though.

TOXIC: onions, chocolate, garlic, cooked bones, avacado, macadamia nuts, walnuts, grapes, raisins...that's all I can think of off the top of my head. If you're not sure, don't feed it to them.

So if you are going with an all human-food-diet, please please talk to a vet first, don`t just rely on Google, this is your friend`s life on the line! Best of luck!

-Feldsparr 2625

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they can eat meat ,but it depends about the dog.

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Q: What do German Shepherds eat that is not dog food?
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What do German shepherds eat and drink?

Regular dog food, and water.

What food do German sheperds eat?

German shepherds eat just what normal dogs do. but raw meat which is what i feed mine are the healthiest food choice of all. never feed your dog some type of dog food that has corn in it. NOT healthy at all! make sure to walk and love your dog their whole life!

What kinds of food should German Shepherds not eat?

It all depends on the dog, mine eats squash but most don't. Just make sure not to feed them raisins, grapes, chocolate, onions, or garlic, its bad for them. See related link for food not to feed them:

Do German shepherds eat people?

No, not generally.

Can German shepherd eat human food?

German shepherds, like other breeds of dogs, can eat most human food but not all. They cannot eat chocolate. Avoid excess spice. Never serve cooked chicken bones to a dog (but raw chicken bones are OK). Hamburgers, pizza, etc., are fine for a dog. They love a good omelet.

What kind of food a German sherperd dog eat?

chicken or Mexican food

Do German Shepherds eat their poop?

Some do and if yours does the vet has medicine to put in their food so they will quit.

What should German sheperds eat?

dog food? like any other dog?

What type of meat do German shepherds eat?

Breast of Cow

Are German shepherds herbivores carnivores or omnivores?

All dogs are omnivores because they eat human food like vegetables in addition to meat.

What do wild German Shepherds eat?

There are brands of food that are specially formulated for German Shepherds. However, these are usually filled with corn or other grains which offer very little nutrition. There are plenty of brands out there that will work just fine. With dog food, you usually get the quality you pay for. Staying away from foods that have a lot of cereals and other grain in would be best. Pick a food that has a high meat content. I have five German Shepherds and I feed my dogs Canidae which has more than enough fat and protein for them. A puppy or a pregnant/lactating needs to have a food that is at least 17% fat and 28% protein. There are also many people who feed their dogs strictly a raw diet which consists of meat, bones, organs and sometimes with a small amount of vegetables, fruits and vitamins. While there are people who do a mix of kibble and raw. It is up to you how you feed your dog. But the bottom line is do your homework and feed them a quality food.

Why are dogs so in to killing things?

all dogs are not into killing things it depends what dog i have 3 German shepherds and the only thing they try to eat is my cat.