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One of the Yup'ik customs back in the day was how they taught their children. There were two meeting houses: one for the men and one for the women. The girls would go to the women and learn how to sew, prepare and cook food, and other household duties. The boys would go to the men and learn how to make weapons, hunt for food, build homes, and other things of that nature. Then when they were done with that, they would switch and the girls would learn to hunt and build homes, and the boys to sew and cook. In Yup'ik' culture, men and women were seen as equals and no duty was too much or too menial.

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Shirts, pants, shoes, maybe socks.

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What are people who live in the Arctic called?

Eskimos, Laplanders, Inuit, Yupik, Russians

When did the Yupik live?

There are no Yupik tribes, it's villages that have their own system.

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There are yupik eskimos all over the North Slope living on the tundra.

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The Yup'ik do not have tribes. They have their own individual traditions within the village they live in.

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Miyax, from Julie Of The Wolves, (that's what my search brought up) was Yupik. See the related link to the Wikipedia article about the Yupik people. However, she was heading to San Fransisco, so she was in the middle of an un-named tundra.

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Why did the inuit people call themselves eskimos?

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Eskimo is not a language. The people known as Yupik, Inupiat, and Aleut speak many languages.

Which Native American group were also called the Eskimo?

Inuit and Yupik people are sometimes called Eskimo. By the way, this is a derogatory word.

Are eskimos and Inuits the same?

Eskimos and Inuits are not the same although in Alaska, the Inuit and Yupik people are generally referred to as Eskimos.

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