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White, ovalish and speckled. They are quite small, about 0.5 in to 1 inch in diameter.

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Q: What do giant African land snail eggs look like?
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How did giant African land snails evolve?

Where is the giant african snail indegenuos to

What kind of water snail do I have?

You can have A Giant African Land Snail like I have!

What is a snail size?

Snails grow to a variety of different sizes depending on the species and individual. The largest known land snail is the Giant African Snail (Achatina achatina). The Giant African Snail has been known to grow to lengths of up to 30cm.

What continent does the worlds biggest snail come from?

The Giant African Land Snail is the largest snail in the world, and hails from Africa, hence the name.

Into which group would you classify the giant African snail?

Giant African land snails are under genus group Achatinaand three distinct species groups: achatina, fulica and marginata.

How can you tell if a giant African land snail is pregnant?

My African Land Snail's whole body partially came out of its shell the night before it gave birth and we assumed it was dead, but underneath the shell we could see small bumps under its skin. The next morning it seemed to have managed to pull itself back inside its shell and was surrounded by lots of snail eggs.

Do Gaint African land snails live in us?

The Giant African Land Snail is a common name given to three different species of African land snails. Owning them is illegal in ALL states. They damage native plants and crops. Scientists consider the giant African snail to be one of the most damaging snails in the world. It is known to eat at least 500 different types of plants. (Check related links) There are reports of populations throughout the US.

How long are African land snails pregnant for?

Giant African Land Snails (GALS) often hold their eggs for 3-6 days before laying them 1-1.5 inches deep in the soil.

Do you have to wash giant African land snails?

One needs to retrieve a giant shovel from the shed and whack the snail. Of course, the snail will fight back viciously. It won't give up without a fight. It will creep up on ones leg and try to eat through ones pants. In that case only a chainsaw can save ones life - the leg, with the snail on it, needs to be cut off. After that, one needs to use the shovel again and kill the giant African land snail with a final shovel blow between the ears.

Are giant African land snails in Florida?

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has positively identified a population of Giant African land snails (GALS) in Miami-Dade County. The Giant African land snail is one of the most damaging snails in the world because they consume at least 500 different types of plants, can cause structural damage to plaster and stucco, and can carry a parasitic nematode that can lead to meningitis in humans.The Giant African land snail, Achatina fulica, is one of the largest land snails in the world, growing up to eight inches in length and more than four inches in diameter. When full grown, the snail's brownish shell consists of seven to nine whorls (spirals) that cover at least half the length of its long and greatly swollen body whorl (see photo below).Photo Credit: Andrew Derksen, Florida Cooperative Pest Survey ProgramEach snail can live as long as nine years and contains both female and male reproductive organs. After a single mating session, each snail can produce 100 to 400 eggs. In a typical year, every mated adult lays about 1,200 eggs.Achatina fulica is originally from East Africa and has established itself throughout the Indo-Pacific Basin, including the Hawaiian Islands. This pest has also been introduced into the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe with recent detections in Saint Lucia and Barbados.The last reported outbreak and eradication of the Giant African land snail in Florida occurred in 1966 when a boy smuggled three Giant African land snails into Miami as pets. The boy's grandmother released the snails into her garden and seven years later, more than 18,000 snails were found costing more than $1 million and taking an additional 10 years to successfully eradicate this pest from Florida. This is the only known successful giant African land snail eradication program.Giant African land snails are illegal to import into the United States without a permit and currently no permits have been issued.

How long does a giant land snail hibernate for?

Giant African Land Snails have been known to hibernate in any part of the year however most cases of snails going into hibernation happen over the winter when it may become too cold for the snail. Typically they hibernate if conditions in their environment are not suitable (i.e. the temperature, humidity, availability of food and other such factors could cause a snail to hibernate).

Will UV radiation harm your giant African land snails?

Giant African land snails are native to East Africa but are illegal in the United States for being a devastating invasive species. No, UV radiation will not harm your giant African land snails.