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Just like the females.

They are typically tear drop in shape from the side and arial view, with their topline covered in quills, which are typically banded by color or solid. Their legs are long and thin. Their face is rodent-like in appearance, with a long muzzle and large nose, ears, and eyes.

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12y ago

Hoglets (hedgehog babies) are tiny and pink when they are first born, with their eyes closed, and a fluid-filled sac around their quills (which are soft and flexible).

As they mature, their quills become darker and they get closer to their adult color; their masks will become apparent, and if they are Algerians, their "boots", cheek patches, and mottling will become darker and darker. Their quills also become harder as they shed and regrow, while their fur becomes evident. Their eyes eventually open, and at that point, they just look like tiny hedgehogs.

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