

What do humans do with the oxygen they breath?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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we take in oxygen and give carbon dioxide

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Q: What do humans do with the oxygen they breath?
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Do you breath air?

Yes. All humans breath a type of air called oxygen. Without oxygen we would die.

Does less oxygen create a less chance of humans living?

YES as humans we need oxygen to breath

How are plants different than humans?

the Photosynthesi does not allow the ability of a plant cell to prouduce solar energy in carbon dioxide

What is the difference between plant and humans?

Plants let out Oxygen which is what humans breath in and we let out Carbon dioxide which is what plants breath.

What iype of gas do humans need to breath?

Oxygen is the gas humans and animals need to breathe in.

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Trees take in Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen. We as humans breathe in this Oxygen.

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Birds breath air, just as we humans do, their respiratory system extracts the oxygen which they need to live, again just as we do.

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Through their lungs just like humans.

How is carbon dioxide cycled between the plant and women?

we humans breath oxygen and let out carbon dioxied and lants breath in carbon and let out oxygen

What does air produce?

Air produces oxygen for humans to breath and also plants

Once Oxygen is breathed is it inert or If not with out trees is it possible that humans could one day breath up all the oxygen?

=whene u breath out air that comes out is filled with oxygen tree=