

Best Answer
  • There are many men out in society that are either verbally or physically abused than society knows because it has always been about abused women because they are classed as the weaker sex, but many men are abused. Most good men are brought up not to hit a woman so if the girlfriend or wife is verbally abusive the man is more likely to go into a shell of his own or keep out of her way. If he is physically abused he will not fight back, but may try to restrain the abuser. He does not tell his friends or coworkers because he fears he will be considered a coward or a 'wimp' and often his male friends would say, 'Well hit her back!' It is not a good piece of advice. There are programs that abused men can go too for help and it is kept strictly confidential. Unfortunately, like men feeling they are infallible and should always act manly they will generally not seek out psychological counseling or go to any program regarding abuse. What do men feel like when abused by their wife?: They feel they are no longer a man; they are in a submissive role they are not use too; he feels he is there to protect his wife and any children they have, but the abusive wife has taken this power from him; he fears his friends will find out; it can affect his job; he may become depressed. Women who are insistent on abusing their husbands either verbally or physically may well be faced with a husband that may snap one day and it could lead to some unpleasant outcomes. A man has the right to file for divorce againt a wife that abuses him.
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Q: What do men feel if they have an abusive wife?
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Why are some men abusive to their wife?

becaue they themselves usually had an abusive childhood and are taking it out on the person they are around the most

Why was he trying not to be abusive but he was?

Men who are abusive generally have learned this from the environment in which they grew up. Some men have a short fuse and blast off with either verbally abusive words or they become physically abusive with their partner. Some men know deep inside it is wrong, but don't know how to get help and most men refuse to seek psychological counseling because it makes them feel weak and not masculine. If he refuses to get help then you have the power to get out of the abusive relationship.

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We cannot speak for all abusive men, but we assume that most of them know that they are abusers. Abusive men tend to come from abusive homes, and the behavior may seem normal to them. Others may feel that such behavior is their right. Most of them know the law, but when rage strikes, the law often doesn't mean much.

Are men who grow up with fathers who abuse their mothers more likely to abuse their women or wife?

Unfortuantley that is true. However ther are many men who had abusive fathers who have never touch their wife in anger. Likewise there are men who were never hit by their father who do abuse their wife.

Do boys and men ever regret being abusive?

yes most of the time when the realise what they have done they will feel terrible

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Why are men abusive and insecure and yet women are not?

This is a generalisation, and a highly incorrect one at that. Women can be, are just as abusive and insecure as men. Many men are not abusive and are quite secure with themselves - the opposite is in fact a minority.

Is it more common for men or women to be abusive?

Men, unfortunately.

Are Armenian men abusive?

Armenian men are as abusive as men from any other culture. It is unfair to pick one culture as being especially abusive when so many cases of abuse are found in every culture.

Why are people abusive there wife?

some husbands are abusive to their wives, because they have the muscle strength. men fear getting older, so they in turn are very insecure, and they feel joy when inflicting home on their wife. The wife can out smart him, by using simple brain power. MAN: It's not because they have muscle strength. Body builders have muscle strength and they don't go around beating everyone up, or beating their wives. I believe it is a power and control problem in their mind. People sometimes get "drunk" with power. If a guy is a jerk and he feels insecure with himself, or in society, he wants to feel in control of something or like he has some power, so in this case he shows this in an abusive way. If he had some way to gain control over a different aspect of his life he would probably stop abusing his wife.

Can a husband who is abusive to his wife be stripped of his leagal rights?

yes he can cause if not the abusive ness will only get worse

Why do men that leave their wife for another woman ignore the wife?

Simple answer - Guilt. They know what they did was wrong, they feel guilty and childish. As they should do for breaking their wife's heart.