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Beans and tortillas, for breakfast lunch and dinner, every single day. This is especially true of Honduran farmers; the ones that have to grow their own food to survive, still live in primitive conditions and use outdated, 19th century farming methods. That is, to plow the fields, a man has to hold the plow steady, while an ox pulls on it. It is an extraordinarily difficult life; one of the things you most commonly hear in Latin America is "the poor are poor because they don't work." You can tell that swine, that most poor people in Latin America work themselves to the bone; they are poor, because of government corruption, more than anything else. The bane of third world countries, is as much government corruption as it is U.S. corporations, although, the blame can not be completely placed on the U.S. For example, Japan is a country, that in all truth, is ruthlessly exploited by the United States, far more than Latin America ever was. Although the Japanese archipelago has little to offer in terms of raw materials, the human raw materials on the other hand, that's something else, people, can be as much a resource as wood or oil, and because Americans view them as "intelligent," the Japanese are to white Americans, basically, "smart slaves." Many xenophobic "militant" Japanese have said for years now, their country is being exploited, and yet for all the money the U.S. syphons off, for all the abuses of the U.S. military, Japan is rich, where most of Latin America is poor. In other words there is more to it than just "Yankee imperalism" some degree of responsibility rests on the shoulders of the countries. So, how is having American bases there exploiting the Japanese? Well for one thing, you think that is U.S. tax dollars paying for those places? No man, no, no, in its infinite turdness, the U.S. government sets it up so that the Japanese basically pay America, for U.S. military basis to be there. In fact, part of the reason the U.S. is so strongly disliked, is because America does not pay for its overseas military bases, the host countries pay for them, and one of the most expensive ones, since they play on the Japanese fear of China, is the one in Japan, or I should say ARE the ones in Japan. U.S. military servicemen get away with rape and murder, and, they are basically untouchable both by Japanese police, and Japanese law, on top of it all, the Japanese government foots the bill for all of it. Despite all this, Japan, barely larger than Honduras geographically, actually not even that, is the 2nd largest economy in the world. Again, yeah, the poor people of Honduras have a tragic tale to tell, nevertheless blame does not rest completely with "yankee Imperialism." By no means am I justifying though, abuse of power; people DO need to take responsibility for their lives, but that does not justify the powerful screwing them over at every turn, or tampering with their DNA tests when they are looking for their families while their security staff protects them the way Beyonce is protected either. If a person is unemployed, then, they have time to meditate! SOME responsibility rests on your shoulders, even in a bad situation. Not all of it though; some people were given everything from birth, and those who think themselves successful, in fact did not earn any of it, it was just one lucky break after the next. [[User:|]]stardingo747

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Regular food! The same hondurian food that everyone else eats. Like tortillas, beans, meet, chicken, rice, fruits and vegetables...

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