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they travel along vibrations that happen every nano-second in the air.

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Q: What do sound waves travel along to get to the eardrum?
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What is the tube that sound waves travel along to get to the ear drum?

The auditory canal allows sound to get to the eardrum.

Why don't we hear the sound explode on the sun?

Sound waves require something to travel through like air or water. The waves travel through this substance and into your ear, vibrating the eardrum. In the vacuum of space, there simply isn't enough of anything for the sound waves to travel through.

Are sound waves a transverse wave?

No , sound waves are longitudinal waves ,their vibrations are along the direction of travel of wave.

Do air particles travel with sound sound waves?

since sound needs a medium for its propagation , it requires air particles to travel along with its waves.

What occurs in the eardrum?

Vibration from sound waves

Sound is actually vibrating waves of what?

the organ of the eardrum

How does sound travel to your ear?

sound is actually vibrations. your eardrum is highly sensitive, like ripples on water, it picks up these vibrations

What is the thin membrane that vibrates when sound waves reach it?

The eardrum vibrates when sound waves reach it.

Which part of the ear vibrates at the frequency of sound waves?

The eardrum

How sound waves affect the eardrum?

Cause I love Jackie

What type of wave does sound belong to?

Waves are vibrational movement plus travel along a straight line and come in two flavours. Sound waves are longitudinal, so the particles which they need to travel through are pushed and pulled, vibrating along the same axis as the direction of travel of the wave energy.

What characteristics do all sound waves have?

Sound waves are LONGITUDINAL. This means the direction of the particles is the same as the direction of the wave. Sound waves are a series of compressions (areas of high density) and rarefactions (areas of low pressure). All sound waves are caused by vibrations. They only travel if there is a medium for them to travel along, therefore there is no sound in space, or in a vacuum as it cannot travel.