

What do worms taste like?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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12y ago

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Worms taste like fried bacon.

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Q: What do worms taste like?
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Do worms taste good to people and if so what are they called?

Some cultures do consume worms and they taste good to them. They are called worms, just in different languages. Most western cultures do not consume worms.

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yeah they do cause they are so small and delicious, they taste like pinapple.

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Yes, people have been known to eat ants and grasshoppers but some even taste like other foods.Beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon.

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An organism taste like an organism. Disgusting!!!!!!!! They taste like wet, slimy, slipery worms. I know. Gross right. My advise is to never ever ever eat one!!!!!!!! You might be asking your self Why would she eat an organism, well i was on a trip to china and........

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Sour gummy worms taste like a tart jube/jelly. The brand in which you get also effects the tartness/sourness of the worm. If you have ever tried normal jellies- such as traditional gummy bears- then you will probably like sour gummy bears. cheers honey suckles, I'm out-i babes xoxox Gossip Girl

Are gummy bears chewier than gummy worms?

Humor: Yes, all Gummy Bears and Gummy Worms are created equal for the continual satisfaction of your taste buds.

Do fried worms taste nice?

Well yeah they do but only if you like drown it in tomato sauce first. My brother eats it all the time!

Do worms like dark or light?

No, worms do not like light. I did an experiment.

What worms do not like light and which do?

earth worms dont like light