

What do you add to protons to equal mass number?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The mass number = protons + neutrons

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Q: What do you add to protons to equal mass number?
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What is equal to the total number of protons and neutrons?

If you add the number of protons to the number of neutrons in an atom, you have calculated that atom's atomic mass.

How do you get a mass number?

Add number of protons and neutrons.

Which term describes the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in an atom?

when you could check in most of atoms that we have you will see that the sum of protons and electrons equals to or is called the atomic weight or atomic mass...that is if you add protons to electrons you have your atomic mass.

If an atom 26 protons 26 electrons and 30 neutrons what is it's mass number?

It's Atomic Mass is 56 (and some change) because the majority of the mass comes from the protons and neutrons which equal about 1 amu (atomic mass unit) while the electrons equal a fraction of a percent so just add up the protons and electrons to get the atomic mass henceforth the mass number

How would you calculate the atomic mass of atom without using the periodic table if you know the number of protons electrons and neutrons?

Add the number of protons plus the number of neutrons for an approximate answer. Compared to protons and neutrons, electrons have zero mass - it takes over 1800 electrons to equal the mass of a proton or neutron.

How would you figure the number of protons or electrons in an atom?

The number of protons in an atom is equal to its atomic number. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is equal to that of protons. If the atom is negatively charged, add it to the number of electrons; and if positive, subtract.

what is the mass of an atom with 5 protons and 7 neutrons?

To the find the mass number of an atom you add the protons and neutrons. Meaning that the mass number of this atom is 12.

The combined number of protons and neutrons?

Number protons + number neutrons is called the mass number or the atomic mass.

How is atomic mass number calculated?

There are a few ways to determine the mass number, depending on what information you have about the isotope: 1. The mass number is calculated as the sum of an isotope's protons and neutrons. 2. The name of an isotope generally includes the mass number. For instance, carbon-14 has a mass number of 14. 3. The atomic mass (aka isotope mass or atomic weight) rounded to the nearest whole number is the mass number.

What is the mass number of 26 protons and 30 neutrons?

The mass number is going to be 54. Mass number is found by adding the number of protons and the number of neutrons. The fact that there are 24 electrons, one for each proton, means the atom is neutral.

What is the number of an atom with 5 protons and 7 neutrons?

To the find the mass number of an atom you add the protons and neutrons. Meaning that the mass number of this atom is 12.

What total number is the mass number of an atom obtained by?

Add the Neutrons and Protons. The electrons are irrelevant in the mass number.