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I am not sure I completely understand your question, but you seem to be referring to "micronutrients" which encompasses both vitamins and minerals. These, by definition, are essential for sustaining life but are needed in only very small daily quantities. In contrast the "macronutrients" (protein, fat, carbs) are needed in much larger quantities to provide us with our caloric needs for energy.

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Q: What do you call Food minerals and vitamins that sustain an organism?
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How does food get its vitamins and minerals?

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Is e Vitamins and minerals provide energy to the body?

No. Food provides the energy; vitamins and minerals are important, but won't keep you alive.

What are the Six basic food components?

water , minerals , vitamins , carbohydrates , fat , proteins

What non-food pill or liquid contains vitamins and minerals?

well, vitamin water has vitamins and minerals...and there are anti food pills that actually make you not hungry for a week or two, i think they're full of vitamins and stuff

What are some words associated with nutrition?

food vitamins minerals

Six kinds of nutrients found in food?

Proteins carbohydrates fats water vitamins minerals

Why is food important?

Food is essential for growth, energy production, repair of cells and the maintenance of proper health. it keeps you alive. You can only live up to about 3 days without food.