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Repeating something over and over is often referred to as "repetition" or "reiterating." If it becomes excessive or uncontrollable, it may be a symptom of conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorder or a perseveration.

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7y ago

I believe you are referring to stuttering.

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Q: What do you call it when you keep repeating something?
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Something repeating is something that can go on for a long time

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You should always say No Comment in this case. Keep repeating it and if they are on the phone just hang up or ask if you can call them back. No Comment is a safe answer when you are not sure about something though.

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No, it is not.

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It is to make the text easy to remember and emphasize some points.

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Yes you can, just keep repeating and repeating, over and over! Good luck, you can do it!

What is parroting?

i think it is repeating something over and over

When you say something again what is it called?

Repeating or repetition.