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You can try to talk to her and reason with her in a calm way. If this is ineffective, you must tell an adult figure: your parents or guardian, teachers, school counselor, or principal. Keep telling until something is done.

I know, this can give you the label of "snitch" or "rat," but it is better and less painful than to be beaten in a fight, especially one you want nothing of.

If this is ineffective, contact law enforcement, especially if the other party has communicated a threat against you. This in itself is a crime, assault, and the other party can be arrested and charged for this.

This too could exacerbate the situation. In the event it does, and all of your efforts to avoid the fight fail, you still have the option to walk or even run away from it. If you do not want to fight, do not. It takes two.

If the other person still attacks you and you are not able to get away, you are permitted under law to protect yourself. If that mean you must use physical force or violence to do so, then do it to the point that you can escape and call the police and report the assault.

It is never easy, especially in the immature environment of many schools. But, solutions are not impossible.

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Q: What do you do when a girl wants to fight you and you really don't want to fight her?
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