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The control of communicable diseases means that you are working to stop the spread of the disease. Communicable diseases can spread very quickly.

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Q: What do you mean by control of communicable disease?
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Control of communicable and non-communicable disease?

you have to use lots of medicine that will help cure the disease your friend, jennifer

Is common cold communicable or non-communicable disease?

communicable disease

Is cholera a non-communicable disease?

No it is a communicable disease.

What does communicable and non-communicable mean?

When speaking of diseases, a communicable disease is one that can be passed from one with the disease to one who doesn't. This is the way colds are passed. A noncommunicable diseasecan not be passed person to person. For example, heart disease. You can not get heart disease from a patient who has it.

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TB is a communicable disease. A communicable disease is a disease that can be passed on in one way or another from a Carrier of the disease to some one else. and is usually the result of a virus or bacterial infection.

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How do you control communicable disease?

treatment of persons with diseases with antibiotics typically kills the agent and renders them non-infectoius.also eliminate the infectious agent through cooking food washing hands and serilising instruments between use

Is epilepsy communicable or non communicable?

Non-communicable. It is a neurological disease

What is disease education?

the desease education have the two differents parts and that is a non communicable disease and the communicable disease