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A republic is a government where the people have elected or nominated a president. The people as well as the president have power together.

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Q: What do you mean by republic?
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Do you mean when did the republic fall? 27 BC

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"Poblacht" is "republic", however, "an Phoblacht" means "the Republic".

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in constructing the government of the U.S. the founding fathers settled on a republic and representative democracy. first, define republic and what general rationales for having a republic?

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The word republic exist also in the Romanian language; the spelling is republică.

What does republic under an authoritarian regime mean?

Republic under an authoritarianism regime is not a true republic. Instead, it is only a republic for a few select groups of people and not for another group.

Which type of government comes from latin for public thing or public matter?

Republic. Republic comes from the Latin for 'res publica' which can mean both public thing or public matter. Republic. Republic comes from the Latin for 'res publica' which can mean both public thing or public matter.

Why is it called the reblic of Indonesia?

Um, do you mean "Republic?"