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future plans, music, hobbies, other people, there are tons of things!

I suggest talking about any common intresest for you two. You can talk about anything. You should be able to at least.

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Q: What do you talk about in a long distance relationship?
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How do you protect long distance relationship?

Trust is really important in long distance relationships. Also another way to "protect" a long distance relationship is to make sure that your partner knows that if he/she really needs to talk, like when their upset, that they will always have you to talk to. And that you will always have time for them.

Is it ok to talk once a week with your long distance boyfriend?

Unless this is a long distance relationship, you should definitely be talking more often.

What are the secrets to a successful long distance relationship?

The secret to a successful long distance relationship is communication and honesty. You should talk to each other often. You can also use webcams to Skype as well.

What to do about a long-distance relationship?

Well, if you care enough for that person to continue the relationship then that's what you should do. If you feel you cannot continue the relationship because of the distance you should talk to that person and see how you feel about it.

How do you talk about being in a long distant relationship with out pressuring it?

Talk about something else for a bit then slowly bring up the idea of a long-distance relationship. Just say things like,"Oh, have you ever done a long-distance relationship?", or say something along the lines of ,"What are your thoughts on longdistance relationships?" Me and my boyfriend are doing something long distance and so far its working great, hope i helped. (:

I am in a long distance relationship and before we used to talk for hours now we never even talk only text and every time I text either he gets mad or I do how can I fix the relationship?

Break up with him.

What is the term for the relationship between the distance?

um Long-distance relationship?

How can a long distance relationship work if you only talk on the phone?

just keep the vibe goin. have you ever tried phone sex?

Is it good that you and your long distance relationship talk over 2 hours a day everyday since we met?

I got a long distance relationship aswell, and we talk over 2 hours a day everyday since we met too. I dont think its wrong. If there's still something to talk about and you're not talking about the same thing every day, i dont think there is anything wrong with it.

What are the survival chances of a long-distance relationship if the relationship will no longer be long-distance in a year?

What you mean like long distance cumshots? In that case like 1 in 69

Is it right to assume the worst in a long distance relationship?

In some instances when the relationship isn't fully developed or is not that strong, long distance relationships can be disastrous. But if you have a strong relationship full of trust, communication, and commitment then long distance relationships can actually strengthen your relationship and help it grow. If you manage a long distance relationship and it works out, you know that your relationship can withstand difficult situations.

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