

What do you use the Fibonacci number system for?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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I can't be sure what you would use it for but I do know that it can be used for converting kilometres into miles i.e. 5 miles =8 kilometres and so on and that many flowers have a Fibonacci number of petals.

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What did Fibonacci accomplish?

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Is 13 a Fibonacci number?

the first seven Fibonacci numbers are 1,1,2,3,5,8,13. 13 is a Fibonacci number.

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The 100th Fibonacci number is 354,224,848,179,261,915,075.

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The twelfth Fibonacci number is 144.

What did Fibonacci produce in the early 13th century?

Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who advocated the use of Arabic numerals. He wrote a book called LiberAbaci, which demonstrated the use of the number system. Fibonacci numbers, a sequence used in the book to illustrate its message, had been known before his time, but the numbers took his name because they were connected with the book.

Is five a Fibonacci number?

Yes - 5 is the fifth Fibonacci number.

Why is Fibonacci and his sequence important?

Fibonacci is important because he introduced the Arabic number system to Europe. His sequence is much less important - it is mainly a mathematical curiosity.

When did Fibonacci relate to the Decimal System.?

Decimal numbers were in use in Europe well before the time of Fibonacci so he would have "related" to them when he started to count!