

What does Aunt Alexandra say background is?

Updated: 10/12/2021
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6y ago

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It is background

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Ben Pouros

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Q: What does Aunt Alexandra say background is?
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What is background to aunt Alexandra?

Aunt Alexandra is Atticus Finch's sister who comes to stay with the family in "To Kill a Mockingbird." She is a traditional Southern woman who values family heritage and social status. She is initially concerned with how the Finch family is perceived by others in Maycomb.

What does aunt Alexandra think is the most important factor that defines a person in to kill a mockingbird?

Aunt Alexandra believes that a person's family background and social status are the most important factors that define a person in "To Kill a Mockingbird." She values ancestry, social standing, and tradition, believing that these things determine a person's worth and behavior in society.

What relation is francis to aunt Alexandra?

He is the spoiled grandson of Aunt Alexandra

Who is older Atticus or Aunt Alexandra?

Atticus is older than Aunt Alexandra. Atticus is the father of Scout and Jem, while Aunt Alexandra is Atticus's sister.

How does jem say he would do if scout bothered aunt Alexandra how did she react?

RIP English

In To Kill a Mockingbird what does Scout mean when she says that Aunt Alexandra has a preoccupation with heredity?

When Scout says that Aunt Alexandra has a preoccupation with heredity, she is referring to her aunt's belief in the importance of family lineage and how it determines a person's character and behavior. Aunt Alexandra values social status and societal expectations based on family background, and she tries to instill these beliefs in Scout and Jem.

Aunt Alexandra believes people are a product of?

Aunt Alexandra believes people are a product of their family heritage and upbringing. She values social status, family reputation, and adherence to traditional values as key influences on shaping an individual's character and behavior.

What is a symbol for Aunt Alexandra in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?

A symbol for Aunt Alexandra in 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is her camellia flowers. The camellias symbolize her obsession with social class and appearances, as well as her desire to maintain the family's reputation in the community. Additionally, the delicate and fragile nature of the flowers reflects Aunt Alexandra's own vulnerability and insecurities beneath her tough exterior.

Does dill want to have a aunt like aunt Alexandra?

No, Dill does not want to have an aunt like Aunt Alexandra. He enjoys the freedom and adventure that comes from spending time with Scout and Jem, and having a strict and proper aunt like Aunt Alexandra would likely limit his fun and spontaneity.

Who is Jem and Scout's aunt in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?

Aunt Alexandra

What event does Aunt Alexandra hosting at the Finches' house?

Aunt Alexandra hosts a missionary circle tea at the Finches' house.

Who was waiting for the children?

aunt Alexandra