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Q: What does DI mean at the end of social security number?
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What does the letter D stand for at the end of the Social Security number mean?


What does d4 at the end of a medicare number mean?

It means a widow that remarried after age 60.

What does A stand for at the end of a social security number?

Disabled child. This is for the Supplemental Security Income purposes.

Do you have to give your social security number in court?

There are many instances where giving your social security number is mandatory. However, if you were arrested or involved in some other crime and end up in court, you might have to give your social security to prove you are who you say you are, or for some other similar reason.

Will social security disability payments end at the end of July?

No one knows what will happen to Social Security at the end of July. You will simply need to listen to the news to find out what congress does.

Can you get a credit report on someone who stole your Social Security number?

No. However the use of a SS number belonging to another person is a federal crime and should be reported to the Social Security Administration immediately. The person whose number has been used must act quickly to clear the matter or they may end up in a big "legal mess". Social Security Online,

Where can you find out how much you were paid in social security in 2011?

At the end of the year you will get a statement from Social Security. It will have the amount of money you received, for the year, from Medicare.

What age does social security disability change to retirement social security?

Once a person turns 65 disability benifits offically end and then the claiment will be on social security.

Is your medicaid number the same as your social security number?

Yes. Your Medicare card number is your Social Security number with an alpha-numeric code on the end that indicates your status for drawing benefits. For example, an A means you are (or were) the primary wage earner; B means "aged wife, 62 or older; B1 means aged husband, 62 or older, and so on. Just to add on to this Beautiful should ask another question on "Why did i find it smart to post my SOCIAL SECURITY CARD online!" Example: 123-45-6789 A

Did Social Security withholding go down on payroll checks?

A one-year reduction in Social Security withholding from individuals (not from their employers) was included in the Tax bill that was passed by Congress at the end of 2010. The lost tax income to Social Security will supposedly be paid to the Social Security Trust fund out of general tax revenues.

Can your husband get medicare if he has end stage liver failure if he is only 64 but receives social security because he retired early?

He should apply for disability Social Security and, if successful, he would be eligible for Medicare.

Can you enroll your overstayed immigrant husband on your health insurance?

Assuming that you have a group health insurance plan from your employer, then the answer is yes. Generally, employers and group health plans do not require proof of citizenship to enroll in the plan, but they do require a social security number. Group plans use the social security number as a means for ID within the group. A non-group or "individual" plan is more likely to ask for identification and a Social security number, but you may be able to add him to an individual plan. If your husband got care from a hospital, it's possible they would ask him for identification and a social security number. Thus, he could end up getting reported and put himself in danger of being deported. You should consult an immigration attorney about his options.