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Federal Insurance Contributions Act - more commonly referred toas Social Security.

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Q: What does FICA on a paycheck stand for?
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What is fica-mc on my paycheck?

The FICA -MC on your paycheck is a reference to the deduction for Medicare. The Medicare deduction should be 2.9 percent of your total earnings.

What does FICA ER on paycheck mean?

On a paycheck, FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act. FICA is the United States Federal employment tax that is imposed to fund Medicare and Social Security.

What does FICA mean on a paycheck?

FICA stands for a payroll tax used to fund the Social Security system.

What is SS on a paycheck stub?

Social Security...also frequently identified as FICA

If fica is not taken out on your paycheck does it keep you from applying for unemployment?

You can apply and if you worked at any other job in the last year that did pay fica you can draw on that income.

Is FICA - Med withheld when a person is on Medicare?

I am over 65, and on Medicare. I am also still working, and being paid wages. FICA- Med is still withheld from my paycheck. You should expect that as well.

What does fica stand for?

Federal Insurance Contribution Act The word FICA stands for "Federal Insurance Contributions Act."

What does FICA stand for after a doctor's name?

Federal Insurance Contributions Act

What do the abbreviations on my paycheck mean?

FICA = Federal Insurance Contributions Act, which funds Social Security and MedicareSUI = state unemployment insuranceOT = overtime

What does std on a paycheck stand for?

Short Term Disabilty

What is fica tax on your paycheck?

It is a federal tax to support the Social Security old age and survivors benefits and the Social Security Disability Income benefits.

What does FICA after a doctor's name stand for?

I am not sure....but i think it is Federation of indian cardiologists