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It has to do with WW 1. It is simply because the Germans were humiliated during the WW 1 peace treaty. Furthermore, when the Germans took over the whole France they wanted this peace treaty to be signed on the same place the Germans signed their unilateral defeat. hope it helps.

Answerat the end of World War 1,the Germans had to accept the terms of the Versailles treaty,and they signed it in a railway carriage at rethondes in the forest of compiegne.when France surrendered in world war2,Hitler had the same carriage taken out of a museum and brought to the same place in the same forest,it was sweet revenge for Hitler.afterwards Hitler had the carriage destroyed to prevent anymore symbolic acts..Kevin,Ireland ActuallyThe Treaty of Versailles was signed in Versailles in June, 1919 ... It was the armistice (ceasefire) that was signed in a railway carriage at Compi�gne in November 1918. I don't think WW2 was **caused** by the Treaty of Versailles. I thought the main cause was the insatiable ambitions of a grotesque, wildly gesticulating dictator with a toothbrush moustache.


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13y ago

When the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered, Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia as they blamed them for the murder. Russia had an alliance with Serbia so they declared war on Austria- Hungary. However, Germany had an alliance with Austria- Hungary which meant that they would protect Austria- Hungary from attacks, so they declared war on Russia. However, Germany was paranoid that France would steal back Alsace and Lorraine from them so they drew up the Schleiffen plan. Basically, they would go through Belgium to get to France, they assumed that Belgium wouldn't mind and that France would take six weeks to defeat, which would be as long as it took the Russian army to get ready, so they could just swoop in and defeat Russia. However, Belgium said "No" to letting them go through and Russia took less than six weeks to get ready, so their plan failed!

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14y ago

Yes, France was conquered by Germany in 1940, but the French colonies and Free French fought on with British and American assistance and eventually France was liberated.

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Q: What does France have to do with the causes of World War 2?
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