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Laconic-using few words; expressing much in few words; concise: a laconic reply.

Egalitarian-asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, esp. in political, economic, or social life.

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what does laconic mean?


When was Laconic born?

Laconic was born in 1971, in France.

What is laconic in greek mythology?

The disciplined and militaristic Spartans were known for being blunt and using words sparingly. That would be the myth behind the Laconic Answer but Im not sure if Laconic and Laconic Answer are the same

How do you use laconic in sentence and What is its means?

Laconic means a person of few words and fewer explanations, usually someone who does not speak. My father was a laconic person.

A sentence using laconic?

His laconic explanation to complex problems made him a hit in the university.

What is the greek root for laconic?

Laconic comes from a Spartan city called Laconia. The people of Laconia were well known for the brevity in speech, thus "laconic" is "Laconian-like."

What is does laconic mean?

(adj.) - using few words; brief, concise To be laconic is to give terse or short statements.

How do you use laconic in a sentence?

She is known for her laconic, absurdist poems, which are like quick bursts of energy trapped on a page.Casual acquaintances always thought my father was laconic, but the truth was that he just had a very, very limited vocabulary.The speech was laconic, but still very effective.

What does a laconic person use less?


Is talkative an antonym?

Yes. Laconic for instance.

Laconic in a sentence?

Laconic is an adjective that describes a person, style of writing, or speech that uses very few words. Her reply was laconic and you could tell she was not interested in the subject of the conversation.

What words can you make from these letters liccnoa?

Laconic. Conical.