

What does Mega Byte mean in the computer?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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A megabyte is one million bytes, each byte being a sequence of 8 bits, which is enough information to represent one character of alphanumeric data.

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Q: What does Mega Byte mean in the computer?
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What is byte mega byte and giga byte?

they are amounts of unit describing computer storage

What is the full form of computer GB?

kilo byte mega byte giga byte

What does mb mean in chat?

Mega Byte

What does 500mb?

500mb is a measurement of memory for a computer which stands for 500 mega bytes there are 1024 bits approximately in a mega byte. On average a song for example can be between 4 to 8 mega byte just for comparison

How many minutes are in 78 mega bytes?

minuets ? do you mean bytes there are 1024 kilo bytes in every mega byte 1024 byes in every kilo byte and 8 bits are a byte hope this helps :)

In computer terms what is byte?

Byte is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications that most commonly consists of eight bits. Almost all modern computers have a byte.

How many GB in 1 MB?

A GB is a giga byte, which is larger than a MG or mega byte. A mega byte is 10 to the 6th power, a giga byte is 10 to the 9th power. A giga byte then goes into a mega byte .66666 times. If you need how many mega bytes into a giga byte, it's 1.5.

What are the prefixes used for computers?

giga and mega maybe more gigabite mega byte byte or bite

What is the address of the last byte in a 512 mega byte memory expressed as a decimal number?

The address of the last byte in a 512 mega byte memory, expressed as a decimal number, is 536,870,911.

2298980 Kilo Byte how much Mega Byte?

About 2245.09765625 mb

How do you read a giga byte from a mega byte?

1gb = 1024 mb.

What does byet mean?

a byte is a computer file