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it basically means to serve with courage (valour) and to not question (faith) so basically to do what you are told even if you don't agree with it and to do it with all that is in your heart. In Valour and faith i will serve.

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Q: What does To serve the liege lord in valor and faith mean?
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Monarchs and lords granted land to vassals. A person who made the grant was called the liege. So a lord who did this was the liege lord. For more information, please use the link below.

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Nothing. A knight could be a vassal to his liege lord. When a squire is knighted, the new knight must swear alligence to his lord. When a liege lord calls on his vassals in times of war, the vassal knights must come to fight for him.

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A Medieval Lord was simply known as LORD, YOUR LIEGE, or YOUR HONOR. The rank below a Lord was vassals, below vassals were serfs, which is the lowest position. Also he could be known as Sire.

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