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You need vitamin A for healthy eyesight and skin.

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11y ago

Deficiency of vitamin a can cause total blindness and can completely diminish the ability to fight infections in your body.

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Q: What does vitamin A do to your body?
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How do you reduce vitamin D in body?

The only way to reduce vitamin D in the body is to stop intake of vitamin D.

Which vitamin can not be made in human body?

vitamin D

Is vitamin c stored in the body or excreted?

vitamin c is NOT stored in the body. It is excreted. So, there is no danger of build up of vitamin c in the body , if high doses are taken. Vitamin c is very good for us.

Is everything called a vitamin a vitamin?

No, vitamins are by definition an essential nutrient that cannot be made by the body in sufficient quantities. Vitamin D is not really a vitamin. The human body can produce this nutrient and it is actually a hormone, not a vitamin.

Which vitamin is a fat-soluble antioxidant that protects vitamin A?

vitamin E helps to protect vitamin A and fats in the body.

A provitamin used by the body to make vitamin A?

Vitamin E is your answer!!

How much vitamin c is in your body?

60% of your body is vitamin c which means 60% of your insides are orange!

Would the body store vitamin c or d and why?

The body will store Vitamin D first because it's a fat-soluble vitamin which means it can be dissolved in fat. Once it's dissolved in fat, it can be stored in the body. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin which means it needs to be dissolved in water before the body can/will store it.

Why does the body need vitamins for?

Each vitamin has an important role i.e Vitamin A in carrot helps sight at night, vitamin D in milk helps your bones, vitamin C in oranges helps your body to heal when you are cut, vitamin B in vegetables helps your body make protein and energy.

How does the body get vitamin C?

you get vitamin c through fruits and vegetables:D

Why is vitamin an important in the body?

because without vitamin a we would not be healthy

What is a vitamin that your body can manufacture that helps your eye sight?

its is called vitamin A