

What does a resistore do?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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A resistor dissipates a definite, calculated, desired amount of electrical energy.

Resistor with its resistance would provide a drag to the free flow of electrons. Hence current gets reduced.


Electrical resistance describes how an electrical conductor (a wire) opposes the flow of an electrical current (flow of electrons). To overcome this opposition a voltage (a energy) must dropped (used) across the conductor (wire). Resistance can be described by ohms law:

Ohms Law: R = V / I (Resistance = Voltage / Current) (resistance measured in ohms)


Voltage [V]= the energy lost across an component (voltage measured in volts).

Current [I] = the charge (electrons) flowing through an component (current measured in Amps).

Electrical resistance can be thought of as sticking your hand out a car window. The faster [current] you drive the harder the wind presses [resistance] against you hand and therefore it takes more energy [voltage] to hold your steady.

When trying to overcome electrical resistance, the electrical energy lost is turned into heat. This is how the elements of a household stove, toaster, and fan heater work. Because of the vacuum in a light bulb, the electrical energy lost is instead turned into light. It can be seen the electrical resistance plays a large role in modern life.


The resistor is the most common electronic component and is used to limit and/or control the voltage and current in an electronic circuit. Resistors are carefully manufactured to provide a predetermined value of electrical resistance which may range from 0.1 ohms to 100,000,000 ohms, depending on the application. The physical size of a resistor also varies dependant on the amount of power passing through the resistor, given by:

P = V x I (Power = Voltage x Current) (power measured in watts)

There are also many types of resistors including:

· Variable Resistor - changes resistance when its shaft is rotated (volume knob on a stereo).

· Thermistor - changes resistance when the temperature changes (used in a thermostat).

· Light Dependant Resistor (LDR) - changes resistance when the lighting changes (used in children's night-lights).

Resistor Example:

An LED is a small red light (such as the one on the front of most TVs) and requires 2.0 volts and 0.02 amps to operate correctly. If we connected that LED up directly to a 12 volt battery, the voltage would be too high, and too much current would flow… the LED would blow up. We need to use a resistor to limit the voltage and current.

But which value of resistance should the have resistor? Uses ohms law:

R = V / I = (12.0 - 2.0) / 0.02 = 500 ohms

(Note: the voltage across the resistor is the battery voltage minus the voltage we want across the LED)

But which value of power should the resistor be capable of handling?

P = V x I = (12.0 - 2.0) / 0.02 = 0.2 Watts

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