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From a "Christian" perspective, this dream needs careful consideration, not only of the images of frogs and snakes, but also of the emotions experienced during the dream, and of any events or action in the dream. At first glance, frogs and snakes feel repulsive, negative and evil. In the Hebrew text, one of the Egyptian plagues consisted of frogs, and snakes are traditionally associated with Satan and evil. But, in themselves, frogs are harmless, and snakes play several important, positive roles in the Exodus story. The rods (staves) of Aaron and Moses could be transformed from wood into living snakes. Moses also lifted a snake (serpant) on his staff as a means of healing the Children of Israel. So give closer consideration to this dream. The actual meaning might not be obvious at first glance.

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12y ago

Snakes and frogs are both cold-blooded creatures, so the dream might represent something in the dreamer's life that feels cold, inhospitable and unpleasant.

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