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It literally means what the question says. Collecting information usually in order too make use of it. Interpreting means too understand the information or be able too use it.

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Q: What does collecting and interpreting data mean in science?
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What does statistics mean in math?

Statistics is the study of collecting , organizing , and interpreting data!

What does collect data mean in the scientific method?

Collecting data mean to gather information in an experiment.

What does collected data mean?

Collecting data means to take notes on your observation, the measurements and the information you got from your observation.

What does interpret data mean?

Reading information(data) and figuring out its meaning(interpreting).

What does interpreting data from a bar graph mean?

Determining what information about the variable is contained in the bar graph.

What you mean by science?

science is a systematic knoledge that gained as a result of collecting facts,arranging and analyzing them,and deriving conclusons.

The role of statistics in mass communication?

Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, processing , analyzing and interpreting data. Through statistics, we can get meaningful information out of massive amount of data for communication and research. Statisticians are the people with extensive training and advance degrees who have the authority to treat, describe and make inference out of the data collected. They are the ones also who can explain what the data mean for consumers. Statistics, therefore, is vital for communication because it can describe data in a meaninful way by describing the population or sample, related one variable to another, make estimates or predictions, test hypotheses and make wise decisions.

What does collecting data and tables mean in the scientific method?

the collection of data and tables means that database management system that is called DBMS

What does evidence mean in science?

To have data that justifies your theory/hypothesis.

What does conclusion mean on a science projeact?

it your hypothesis was supported by the data and how?

What does statistics mean in english?

Statistics meansThe practice and science of collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample.A fact or a piece of data from a large study of large quantity of numerical data.An event or person regarded as no more than a piece of data.

What does table mean in science?

A table is like a graph or set of data