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The whole phrase is, "I will not cut for stone, even in the presence of disease (or something like that). I will leave this to skilled professionals. specialists in the art." This means that PHYSICIANS will not perform surgery. They will leave the cutting or surgery to trained specialists - SURGEONS. In those days - the days of ancient Greeks when the Hippocratic Oath was written, physicians and surgeons were considered two different professions. In the novel, Thomas Stone is a surgeon; whereas Ghosh - an internal medicine specialist, would be considered a physician.

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Q: What does cutting for stone mean in the Hippocratic Oath?
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What does cutting for stone mean in hippocratic oath?

The whole phrase is, "I will not cut for stone, even in the presence of disease (or something like that). I will leave this to skilled professionals. specialists in the art." This means that PHYSICIANS will not perform surgery. They will leave the cutting or surgery to trained specialists - SURGEONS. In those days - the days of ancient Greeks when the Hippocratic Oath was written, physicians and surgeons were considered two different professions. In the novel, Thomas Stone is a surgeon; whereas Ghosh - an internal medicine specialist, would be considered a physician.

What is the Latin phrase primum non nocere mean in English?

"First do no harm". It is part of the Hippocratic Oath. This statement is not, repeat not, in any of the many versions of the Hippocratic Oath. Please see the Wikipedia entry for "primum non nocere" and "First do no harm". Moreover, it does not appear verbatim in any Hippocratic writings. Perhaps you all should do your homework. Cedric M. Smith, M.D.

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Technically, yes. Only they will swear under different types of oath, such as modified Hippocratic Oath, The Physician's Oath, Declaration of Geneva, Oath of Maimonides, Osteopathic Oath, and many others. Surveys states that some countries have its own oath that doctors will have to sign. Most of the oaths was modified from original Hippocratic Oath.

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What is the importance of the Hippocratic Oath?

Medical ethics around the world are measured against the hippocratic oath thought to have been written by the Greek physician Hippocrates in about 460-370 BC In some medical schools graduating doctors are still required to swear to a form of the oath. (thankyou to the readers digest) This is what the origina oath says: I swear by Appolo the healer invoking all the gods and goddesses to be my witnesses that i will fulfill this oath and this written covenant to the best of my ability and judgment. I will look upon him who shall have taught me this art even as one of my own parents I will share my substance with him and i shall supply his neccesities if he be in need I will regard his offspring even as my own breathen and i will teach them this art if they would learn it without fee or covenant I wil impart this art by precept by lecture and by every mode of teaching not only to my own sons but to the sons of him who has taught me and to disciples bound by covenant and oath according to the law of medicine The regimen i adopt shall be for the benefit of the patients according to my ability and judgment and not for the hurt and any wrong I will give no deadly drug to any tho it be asked of me nor will i counsel such and especially i will not aid a woman to procure abortion Whatsoever house i enter there will i go for the benefit of the sick refraining from all wrongdoing or corruption and especially from any act of seduction of male or female of bond or free Whatsoever things i see or hear concerning the life of men in my attendance on the sick or even apart therefrom which ought not to be noised abroad I will keep silence thereon counting such things to be sacred secrets Pure and holy will i keep my life and my art.

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England is a free country, but that does not mean people can do whatever they want. There are some things called laws, and people have to follow them to not have their rights taken away, which usually means being put in jail. The Hippocratic Oath is sort of like a "law" to doctors, they all have to swear to help their patients. Part of the Oath states that doctors will not kill their patients, which is exactly what euthanasia is. no such thing as free will, then, lolz

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