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fish means a girl or girly .

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Q: What does fish mean in the gay community?
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What does no shade mean in the gay community?

No disraspect

What does zoo mean in the gay community?

Zoo means one with a sexual attraction, and need for animals. bestiality in which the person wants to have sex with an animal. It means the same in the gay community as in the straight community. Beastiality is NOT acceptable in the gay community and is NOT linked to being gay AT ALL.

Does koi fish mean gay?

No it means good luck on your struggles

Is phillip gay and a fish?

yes the fish is gay

Why do government fulfill some of societys needs such as education health care and mass transit?

your a gay fish

Who is harder on the other side - gay people toward straight people or straight people toward gay people?

The straight community has been much harder on the gay community. But that doesn't mean equality can't happen. It takes time.

What are gay communities?

The term "gay community" refers to the gay and lesbian population within the community. There are no true gay communities but there are areas known for having a higher then average gay population.

Is there an animal that represents gay?

There is no animal that specifically represents being gay. However, various animals have been used as symbols for the LGBTQ+ community, such as the rainbow-colored fish and butterfly. These symbols aim to promote diversity, acceptance, and pride within the community.

Is gay fish a remix?

shameck is gay

How is mental illness factored in the gay community?

mental illness has no correlation to sexual orientation. The gay community is affected by mental illness in the same way that the straight community is.

Is Daniel Radclif gay or is he dating?

no. but he's a big supporter of the gay community

Where can one find a gay Romeo?

Gay Romeo is an online community of gay, bisexual, and transgender men for chatting and meeting with others with similar interests. The community can be accessed through their website.