

What does folded mountains form?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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In some cases, the folded crust can be pushed up high enough to form mountains.

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Q: What does folded mountains form?
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These mountains form from compression.?


What is the primary way that folded mountains form?

Folded mountains are formed when rock layers are bend under stress.

What type of mountains form compression?

answer: folded mountains suck coak

How folded mountain ranges form?

lithosphere plates collide forming the folded mountains!

How are folded mountains different from dome mountains?

folded mountains are folded

What did the world's folded mountains form as a result of?

continental crust

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Folded mountains form

The major forces that form folded mountains are?

Compressional Stresses

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Folded mountains form

How do folded volcanic and fault block mountains differ?

Volcanic mountains can erupt, folded mountains form when rock layers are squeezed together and pushed upward, fault block mountains form when tension makes the lithosphere break into many normal faults

How are folded mountains produced?

Folded mountains form when two plates move towards each other by compressional forces. The movement results in sedimentary rocks moving upwards to form a series of folds.

What mountains are folded?

Fold mountains are formed from the collision of continental tectonic plates. Since neither plate subducts under the other, the colliding plates wrinkle and fold like a rug being pushed into a wall.