

What does fossil evidence tell us?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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It tells us how/ what animal,thing,person ect. Lived and how things changed for bc to now example horse back in b.c had like 5 fingers n now they hve hoofs

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Q: What does fossil evidence tell us?
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What are 3 things can fossil tell us?

It tells you the Age, Place is was from and the Species of the Fossil

How can evolution be seen over big amounts of time?

Through fossil and genetic evidence. Genetic evidence can be used to construct trees of relatedness; fossil evidence can be used to give us an idea of what remote ancestors looked like and when they lived.

What fossil records tell us that elephants have evolved?

There are absolutely no fossil records of any elephants evolving, actually, there are no fossil records of anyanimal evolving.

What are fossils and what do they tell us about the process of evolution?

Fossil the dead remains of plants and animals that lived in the past is know as fossil.

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What is fossil evidence?

fossil evidence is when scientist study fossils to figure out how the animal died how it evoled

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What are 2 types of evidence that suggest that evolution has occured?

Accept fossil evidence, anatomical evidence, molecular evidence

Why are fossil?

Fossils are important because they tell us about continental drift which occurs every year.

How does paleontology provide evidence of evolution?

AnswerThe fossil record is the primary source of evidence of past life forms.The fossil record is also an important source of evidence of evolution. However, Charles Darwin was able to develop his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection largely without reference to fossil evidence. He saw evidence for evolution in present life forms. Another source of evidence for evolution is to be found in DNA.

What has fossil evidence revealed as the earliest date of human existence in the Western Hemisphere?

To date, fossil evidence shows that humans existed in the Western Hemisphere as far back as 10,000 BC BCE. There is also evidence of tools that also match the fossil remains.