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It means marrying someone outside your own kind.

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Q: What does intermarry mean?
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What does it mean if Jews intermarry?

It means being disloyal to God.

Can intermarry mean for two families to become joined?

Yes, families, groups, tribes, clans, religions

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Why did the Spanish tend to settle and intermarry with the native American population?

good question ;D

Why did royal families often intermarry?

In order to keep the royal blood in the family; so the lineage doesn't run out.

Do the Samoan people intermarry with African-Americans?

Yes, Samoans marry who ever they love, no matter what race, colour or creed.

Why couldn't the 12 tribes of israel intermarry?

They could intermarry except when daughters were their father's only heirs; in such cases, the daughters had to marry within their own tribe to keep their inherited land within the tribe. See the story of Zelophehad's daughters in Numbers 36. Other than that, marriage between tribes was permitted. For example, King David, of the tribe of Judah, married Michal, of the tribe of Benjamin.

Could patricians and plebeians marry?

Yes and no. At first the two classes could intermarry, then a law was passed forbidding marriage between them. The laws was then changed again allowing intermarriage. By the mid to late republic both classes were the nobility so intermarriage was common.

What were the mail tools of hellenization used by Alexander and his successors?

He encouraged his soldiers to intermarry He made greek the universal language Encouraged religious syncretism (blending of belief systems)

What is homogamy?

Homogamy means to marry someone similar, as when members of the same social class intermarry. It concentrate on social economic status and its to keep wealth in social stratification.

Can an Irish girl be with a Muslim?

Yes is it possible to intermarry between the different religions. However, the question will always be how both individuals will raise the children religiously, being of almost opposite and different faiths.