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The pregnant woman in this dream might represent a potential, a developing project or idea, or a feeling of personal vulnerability. The shark symbolizes some sort of danger. Together, these images suggest that the dreamer feels intensely vulnerable, and fears that future potential is under attack.

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9y ago

Some species of shark actually do give birth to live offspring instead of laying eggs. This dream could be nothing more than a memory of having learned that odd fact somewhere at some time. But it also could illustrate something happening in your life at this time. Popular culture seems obsessed with sharks, which have become symbolic of mindless killing. Yet killing is the opposite of giving birth. So your dream illustrates a meeting of opposites: new life from something that kills. To understand how the dream applies to your own life, think about something that is creating or producing life where nothing but destruction or violence was expected.

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Q: What does it mean if you dream about a shark killing a pregnant woman in the ocean?
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