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Hi i missed a period and done a pregnancy test and was negative i did come on a month later this was because i have changed my pill and it didnt sort it out for a couple of months. Hope this helps

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14y ago
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18y ago

The tests that came out neither negative nor positive are invalid tests. if you still haven't had a period you should retest with a different brand, or go to a clinic or your dr's office for a test. ~pawsalmighty

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19y ago

This has happened to me. I took 3 hpt's all faint pos. then went to the doctor & took their urine test & theirs were neg. It was a false neg. I was pregnant. The hpt's I took were right. If you got a pos. that means the pregnancy hormone was detected in your body. And you ARE pregnant. If you later get your period it could mean the egg did not stick & you miscarried. This happens to a lot of women.

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13y ago

You may just be having iregular periods i THINK but im not sure.

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Q: What does it mean if I Missed period but negative pregnancy test?
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What does it mean if you've missed your period?

Possible pregnancy.

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It can mean an early miscarriage. Those things happen eventually, and quite alot.

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No, stupid.

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Bacterial vaginosis is not a sign of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy are a missed period and a positive pregnancy test.

I took a pregnancy test 5 days before your missed period it came out negative in less than a min Does this mean there is no way im pregnant?

Not necessarily. There is always a margin of error to pregnancy tests. I would suggest taking another pregnancy test once your period is/was due, and talking to your nurse or doctor.

How do you know your not pregnant when you haven't got your period?

Take a pregnancy test. A missed period does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. There are many reasons for missing a period.

If you take a pregnancy test a week after conception how accurate will the results be if you take the digital clearblue pregnancy test which is supposed to detect 4 days before missed period?

A week after having sex is too soon to take a test. Although the test says you can use it 4 days before a period is due, it will be more accurate (and cheaper) if you wait until your period is late.

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The most common cause of a missed period is pregnancy.

If you had your period regardless of it being late or on time negative pregnancy test but having sore breasts what could that mean?

If your pregnancy test was negative, you got your period and your breasts are sore it could just mean that they're growing. Breasts can also be sore or tender during your period.

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If you had a regular period after unprotected sex, you are not pregnant.If you had sex after that period you may be pregnant.If you are unsure you can use a regular pregnancy test available at any pharmacy, they are very accurate if you missed your period already. If you did not miss your period yet, the pregnancy test is less accurate.

You took a pregnancy a day before your period and it came back negative Does that mean im really not pregnant?

Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate, but being that it was negative and you got your period, I'd say you are definitely not pregnant.