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In the UK we would use the phrase 'Knock it off' to mean stop teasing/irritating me or stop what you doing.

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9y ago

It can mean literally knock something off wherever it is sitting, or it can mean figuratively stop whatever you're doing.

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If you mean the knock-off game, it must be on eBay or at a flea market.

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Knock Off was released on 09/04/1998.

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The Production Budget for Knock Off was $35,000,000.

How did phrase knock it off come to mean to stop something?

The phrase "knock it off" meaning to tell someone to stop doing something originated from an auction setting. Traditionally, "knock it off" is a request that is given to an auctioneer to end the bidding. This refers to the auctioneer "knocking his gavel," a sign to close bidding.

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Tell you brother to knock it off. Tell your parents.

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It is not possible to knock your socks off with out dieing. WAIT! yes it is

When was Knock Yer Block Off created?

Knock Yer Block Off was created in 1993.

How much money did Knock Off gross worldwide?

Knock Off grossed $10,319,915 worldwide.

What does knock knock on wood mean?

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