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El and La mean "the" but you only use them when talking about one thing. Like a singular word. Ex- El Libro- the book. La fecha- The date. Also they identify gender. El is for masculine words (usually ones that end in "o") and la is for feminine words (usually ending in "a"). Los means "The" but plural.

Los is the plural "The" for EL, and Las is the plural for "La". If you are talking about something that would be plural you would have to make the "The" plural and the thing plural. Ex- El libro- The book to Los libros- the books. La fetcha-the date to las fetchas-the dates.

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12y ago

They are the plural forms for "the" in Spanish. Los is masculine, las is feminine.

Las casas grandes "the big houses".

They're also the dative and accusative pronouns for the third person (a / para ellos, ellas, ustedes):

Los / las vi a ustedes el día de ayer "I saw you yesterday (men / women or all af them)".

Éstos son los datos, debo entregárselos de inmediato "This is the data, I must hand it in to him right away".

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14y ago

Las is a feminine plural, los is the masculine. Los hombres - "the men", las mujeres, "the women."

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