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slim tells george that he had to do it, it was the only way.

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Q: What does slim say to george after lennies death?
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Why does slim say you hadda george i swear you hadda in of mice and men?

Slim says this to George to emphasize the moral lesson that George had a responsibility to take care of Lennie given their close friendship and Lennie's dependence on him. It reflects the theme of loyalty and companionship in the novel.

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In "Of Mice and Men," when Carlson asks "What's eatin' them two guys?" he is alluding to the emotional distress and tension between George and Lennie. He is questioning what is troubling them or causing them distress in their relationship.

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How do you say slim in German?

Sie is schlank - she is slimSchmale Taille - slim waisteine geringe Chance - slim chanceabnehemen - to slim

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The meaning of the song The Real Slim Shady is to say that he is Slim Shady and no posers are.

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How do you say small and slim in french?


How do you say slim in Spanish?

Delgado,or flaco(a)

What page did George say he would take care of Lenny?

In the novella "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, George tells Slim that he'll take care of Lennie after Lennie gets into trouble at the ranch. This conversation happens in Chapter 3 of the book.

What are some racial things to say to an Asian?

Say something about their race like slim eyes or slim noses. That hurts them and they cannot deny it because it is the truth.